Commentary on the Gospel of

Jan Schnack - Creighton University Student

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30


Thank you Jesus for your healing invitation!


Jesus extends his healing invitation to all of us.  He wants us to share the complexities and complications of our daily lives with him.  He wants us to accept his guidance and encouragement which will give us rest.  There are those times when the weariness and burdens can be overwhelming.  Jesus’ invitation to come to him is an invitation of love.  Love is the silver lining that can be palpable during trying times.  Love makes the yoke easier and the burden lighter.


I experienced palpable love this morning.  While walking to my car getting ready to go to work, I became overwhelmed with an aching feeling of love for my husband of 26 years and our two sons.  They were busily gathering our farm machinery and tools to take to high ground in anticipation of a rising Missouri River.  It has only been a week since they finished replanting our fields because our first crop had been beaten down by a wind/hail storm.  The drill of gathering our belongings to high ground is still quite fresh in our memories.  Our homestead was engulfed in water for several months in 2011 when the Missouri River did flood.  The silver lining during these hard times when the weariness and heavy burdens become overwhelming is that palpable love from our gentle and humble in heart Jesus.


Thank you Jesus for the rest that you provide for our souls.


We are called to use our God given talents to obtain wisdom and acquire knowledge so that isn’t the challenge revealed in today’s gospel.  There are problems when we neglect to acknowledge (either intentional or unintentional) that our talents come from God.  Jesus is our role model to be humble in heart.  The good news is that Jesus will always extend his invitation to help us find rest for our souls.  Jesus doesn’t promise us that our lives will be easy.  What he does promise is that our burdens will be lighter when we go to him.


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