Commentary on the Gospel of

Barbara Dilly-Creighton University's Department of Sociology and Anthropology

There is so much grace is the poetry in the wisdom literature for today.  It is certainly calming to the hearts of the faithful to read these words:

“When peaceful stillness compassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent,

Your all-powerful word, from heaven’s royal throne bounded, a fierce warrior, into the doomed land, Bearing the sharp sword of your inexorable decree. 

And as he alighted, he filled every place with death; he still reached to heaven, while he stood upon the earth. 

For all creation, its several kinds, was being made over anew, serving its natural laws, That your children might be preserved unharmed.”

In these poetic words, we are reminded so beautifully that God’s wrath does not destroy the hearts that seek the Lord.  Indeed, the Psalm for today says again, “For he remembered his holy word to his servant Abraham, and he led forth his people with joy; with shouts of joy, his chosen ones!” 

As I reflect on these words of hope, I am grateful for our calling through the Gospel.  Our calling is not just to repentance and discipleship.  It doesn’t end with our sure salvation.  In THES 2, we are told that God calls us to also possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  That is a high calling, and honestly, one that is nearly incomprehensible to me.  I can get my head around forgiveness of sin and newness of life.  And I can get my head around rejoicing in the marvelous deeds the Lord has done.  I do have trouble, however, getting my head around possessing the glory of our Lord and Savior.  That is quite an accomplishment!  I am not sure I am up to it.  Fortunately, it isn’t just about me.  That is why reflecting on these lessons is a good spiritual exercise for me.  The gospel of Luke sheds a bit of light on what God does for us to encourage us to seek the glory.

Jesus tells us in the parable of the dishonest judge that God’s justice secures our rights in the day of judgment.  This is a lot more important than the justice we may or may not receive on this earth.  People with power may or may not treat us fairly.  We may or may not be able to do anything about it.  That surely makes for a life of uncertainty and injustice in this world.  But there is something a lot more important than our worldly concerns.  In the end, we can count the justice of God to secure the rights of the faithful at the day of our judgment.  But Jesus says we need to keep praying!   He wants to find us among the faithful when he returns.  In this parable, I think he is also reminding us that we are called to glory! 

I do believe that, but I don’t really know what to think about glory….it seems a bit out of reach for me.    There are a lot of definitions of glory in Webster’s dictionary.   One even suggests having a halo…..I can’t imagine that for myself.  But being at one’s happiest and best is also there.   I liked that one!  If glory is a condition of high achievement and splendor, then I have to believe that being granted justice by God through faith in Christ Jesus is going to allow me to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  That’s a good enough reason for me to keep praying that the Lord will find me among the faithful when he returns.  And it is a good reason for me to pray today that we will all be led forth with joy, in the glory of the Lord, while we await his coming again. 


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