Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr Joseba Kamiruaga Mieza cmf

Gospel John 6: 52-59

 - This end of the "Discourse of the Bread of Life" in Capernaum, clearly takes on a "Eucharistic" tone, that is, of eating and drinking the body and blood of Jesus who will give his life to reconcile the world: in the Eucharist, that memorial of the cross will be celebrated. And the fruit of eating and drinking is the same as that of believing in Him: participating in his life: "he who eats this bread will live forever." It is the culmination of the speech.

- But, in addition, we are offered two verses that describe in an admirable way the consequences that the Eucharist is going to have in us, according to the thought of Christ Jesus: "He who eats my body and drinks my blood remains (inhabits) in me and I in him ": the intercommunication between the Risen One and his faithful in the Eucharist. And, in addition, it adds an impressive comparison: "the Living Father has sent me and I live by the Father; in the same way, whoever eats me will live for me. "The union of Christ with his Father is mysterious, vital and profound; He wants it to be that of those who receive and eat him "he will live for me"; Later he will talk about the branches that remain attached to the vine.

- All this reflection-catechesis leads us to propose a unique, personal and vital relationship with the Lord Jesus. The Eucharist: a way to express and live this new relationship. There lies the LIFE of the believer and follower of this Master. How far from this proposal are those "sickly" observances of fulfillment or something like that! How is our relationship with this Lord Jesus? DOES IT MARK our life and define it?

"Lord Jesus, may your Spirit help us to glimpse the greatness to which you have called us, and may the Eucharist help us to live it with intensity".


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