Commentary on the Gospel of

Bible Diary - Claretian Publications Philippines


Although we know this theoretically, in our daily lives, do we really see Christ in those who come to us? Everyone we meet in our life is someone that is sent to us by Christ. So how can we wave away a beggar who knocks at the window of our car? How can we hide from someone who pesters us with her (what we consider ) trivial concerns? We often wish we were in Christ’s time, that we could see him daily and live close to him. In reality, if we did live in his lifetime and saw him everyday, we would not recognize him. Just like his neighbors, we would ask: ”Who is this who speaks with authority, when we know he is, the son of our neighbor Joseph and his wife, Mary?” It really takes faith to recognize Christ in those whom we meet in our daily lives. This requires MINDFULNESS – a constant watchfulness so that we will not miss the moment of our visitation.


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