Liturgy Alive Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
when today's world hungers
for justice, truth and spiritual values,
perhaps disguised and distorted 
in a form hard to recognize,
open our eyes and give us
your Spirit of wisdom and discernment.
May we thus learn to understand this world,
to feel at home in it,
and to discover the stepping-stones
that could lead us all to you
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      The letter to the Ephesians insists on unity. Everything in our faith is a call for unity in Christ, as there is one Church, one Spirit, and one Father of all.

Gospel Introduction

      In its introduction, the Vatican II Constitution on the Church in the Modern World says: "The Church must continually examine the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the gospel. Thus she will be able to answer the questions that people are always asking about the meaning of this life and of the next and about the relation of this life and of the next and about the relation of one to the other, in a way adapted to each question." By signs of the times we mean currents of thought and attitudes behind events, aspirations, and the like. Take the hippies, the Jesus movement, Pentecostalism, women's lib, the hunger for liberation, the rebellion of many of the young against consumerism and hypocrisy. Can we discover points of contact and of openness to the values of the gospel?

General Intercessions

- Lord, may the Church of today speak to the people of today the gospel in the language of today, we pray:

- Lord, let the ministers of the Church be familiar with the needs and aspirations of today's world and people, we pray:

- Lord, make us transform a world of injustice into a world of integrity, a cold and indifferent world into a warm world of love and mercy, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
these gifts speak of life and care,
of growth and sharing.
Let them also speak to our hearts
of the self-giving love of Jesus your Son,
and commit us to the growth of his kingdom. 
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have called us again
through the body of your Son
to make the body of his Church more and more
the living sign of your presence
and of your action in this world.
Make us also receptive 
of all the good there is in this world.
Help us to dialogue with our times
and with the people of today,
that this world may be yours
and you our God for ever.


If we want to be people living in our times, we must be open-eyed to what is going on in the world around us. "No one is an island." No one should live in a world apart. This attitude will open our eyes too to understand our faith better. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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