Liturgy Alive Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Opening Prayer

Lord, mighty God, 
you lead the world and all humanity
to their destiny in you. 
Give to the leaders of the world and of our country,
a vision of the future,
that is both imaginative and realistic
and respectful of human rights and dignity.
Help us bear witness in everyday life
to the values of the Gospel
and to be involved in the work
of freedom, integrity and justice.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
     2 Peter deals with the problem of the delay of the coming of Christ. The old world has to give way to a new heaven and a new earth. But the concept of time does not exist for God, and the patient God gives us time for conversion.

Gospel Introduction

      Sometimes, the Church is accused of meddling in politics and the affairs of the state. But the Church has to raise a prophetic voice to form consciences regarding the moral aspects of political, social, and economic questions, to see to it that the laws of God and the people's human rights and dignity are respected. A good Christian must be a good citizen and take up his responsibilities regarding the human community.

General Intercessions

– That justice, love, and responsible freedom may be the basis of the social order in the world and in our country, that all may live in peace and security, we pray:
– That all citizens may have a strong sense of civic responsibility and actively participate toward the common welfare, we pray:
– That the Church in our country may bear witness to God's kingdom to all the nations of Asia; that our country may play a role of honor in the family of nations and cooperate towards world peace and unity, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we bring this bread and wine before you
as signs in which your Son, Jesus Christ,
relives his commitment to us.
May they also become the signs
of our responsibility toward our human community,
that with your Son, we may be ready
to bear witness to the values of the Gospel
and how these can lead society
to greater peace and love and friendship.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you are about to send your people
gathered here around your Son
back to the human city,
to join forces with all
to build up the city of God as a leaven in the dough.
Make us sensitive to the needs of others
and help us to give to all equal chances in life,
to build up communities of friendship and love
and to warm the earth 
with a touch of your gentleness.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


In this Eucharist, we have given thanks and praise to God not only as his people but also in the name of all humanity. May we fulfill our task of imbuing this world with the values of the Gospel, and may God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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