Commentary on the Gospel for Saturday, December 28, 2024

diciembre 28, 2024

A Journey of Trust and Salvation  

The departure of the Magi marks a turning point in Matthew’s Gospel, connecting the birth of Jesus to both the history of Israel and the unfolding story of salvation. Like Joseph of the Old Testament, who journeyed to Egypt, St. Joseph is called to protect his family through a perilous flight into Egypt, guided by divine revelation. This connection reminds us that God’s providence is active even in times of danger and uncertainty.  

Herod’s massacre of the innocents unveils the darkness of human greed and fear of losing power. However, God’s plan for salvation endures. Joseph’s faithful obedience becomes a model for us, demonstrating the wisdom that comes from listening to God and acting with courage.  

The plight of the Holy Family resonates deeply in today’s world, where countless families face displacement, persecution, and violence. Refugees, marginalised children, and victims of exploitation echo the cries of Rachel weeping for her children. Their suffering challenges us to see the presence of Christ in the vulnerable and to respond with compassion and justice.  

Christmas and Easter converge in this narrative. The flight into Egypt reminds us that the Incarnation is not separate from the Cross. Jesus is born into a world of suffering to transform it through His Resurrection. God’s answer to the evil in the world is not distant; it is Emmanuel—God with us—walking with humanity in every trial.  

Lord, open my heart to recognise You in those who suffer. Help me follow St. Joseph’s example, responding to Your call with faith and courage. May my actions bring hope to others and reflect Your love in a world yearning for redemption. Amen.