Commentary of the Gospell

febrero 3, 2024

Please! Go and Rest!

«Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.» This is the invitation that Jesus extends to us today, an invitation to meet him in the privacy of our personal time with him in prayer. The Lord tells us today: «You are wasting your time on unnecessary things.» You don’t have sufficient rest, and you spoil your health – of body and mind. Please go and rest!”

We are living in a busy world. We are often too busy with our work, struggles to climb up the ladder, or even our genuine efforts to serve others. Our busy schedules often come at the expense of our relationship with our families, our health, and, most importantly, our relationship with God.

The boat with Jesus and the disciples on it represents the Christian community. The crowd searching for the boat represents the image of humanity today who does not find meaning in their lives but feel the deep need for peace, serenity, joy and inner harmony; they are seekingGod. This crowd around Jesus is a metaphor for the Church. We have come to him because we are hungry, and we stay even when things look bleak.

How busy are you today? Why not take a break… Go with the Lord for a time of rest!
