Commentary of the Gospell

julio 15, 2023

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – «Blessed are you who have eyes that see and hearing ears.»

It reminds us that the Word of God is a seed that in itself is fertile and effective and God spreads it everywhere with generosity, regardless of waste. This is the heart of God! Each one of us is a ground on which the seed of the Word falls, without excluding anyone! The Word is given to each one of us.

The parable of the sower, like all parables, has more intention of teaching a religious truth. The fruit that the seed of the Word must produce is the nuclear lesson that it wants to transmit to us. It is Jesus who made the comment, the homily, explaining a to one of the different attitudes that we usually adopt when planting.

Part of the seed fell «along the way», the birds came and ate it. They are those who hear the Word, but the Evil One comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. They are those who are not normally interested in the things of God.

Another part fell on «stony», where there was not much soil, and it sprouted soon because the soil was not deep, but, when the sun came up, it dried up because it had no roots. This scree represents superficial, impressionable people, incapable of persevering, always dangerous, because they are as enthusiastic about good as they are about evil.

Another one also fell among «brambles». They are those who believe while they do not have difficulties, when everyone does and life presents them with no problems. But when adversity arises, they do not defend the truth. They do not realize that life is a struggle and the one who triumphs in it is because they have struggled.

And, finally, what is sown in «good soil» is the one who hears the Word of God, understands it, bears fruit and produces a hundred, or sixty, or thirty. They are the good souls, who live fully for God and dedicate themselves to fully to live his vocation. At this point we should ask ourselves

Where am I located? The Lord warns us all. «Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear!» ( Mt.13,9 ).

Let us not forget that the seed of the Word carries with it the one that we must share with everyone. Because it is the great force that helps us to change the world and the hearts of others. Saint Paul tells us: «Not even the one who sows is nothing , nor the one who waters, but God who gives the increase». …».

PRAYER: Lord, may the seed of your Word never be lacking in our world, sown in the land of our hearts.

ACTION: Let us remove the stones that make the ground of our hearts arid so that the Word of God can grow and bear fruit in us.

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid