Commentary of the Gospell

July 9, 2023

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time –  “Come to me all you who are burdened”

The world exalts the rich and powerful, no matter the means, sometimes stepping on the human person and his dignity. And we see this every day. And it is a message for the Church called to live the works of mercy and to evangelize the poor, to be meek, humble of heart. This is how the Lord wants the Church to be, that is, us.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you relief.” (Mt.11,28). These words of Jesus are very consoling. But who is it? Who was he inviting? It seems that he calls in a special way those who are tired, weakened by the moral and physical work of this life, those who suffer for one reason or another. Because Christ is the only one who can truly help those who suffer and alleviate their sorrows. He calls all of us who suffer under the weight of pain, work, or oppression. He has not promised to eliminate the burden. What he promised is to make it more bearable. And he continues in the present of our history offering us mainly his Word, the Eucharist, prayer and the presence of our brothers, to help us and not leave us alone in the midst of our sufferings.

If we look carefully, we will see that there are many isolated, lonely and sick people. After the comfort that our company will bring them, they will feel understood and relieved in their sufferings and misfortunes.

We must propose to educate our fellow men for compassion, for relief. Creating habits of being willing to do good. Alleviating is simply loving and what makes us more human.

The man of our days basically needs the same thing as yesterday to be happy, he needs to love and be loved, comfort and be comforted.

PRAYER: Lord, may your grace be with us and support our daily cross and make us live according to your Spirit. Amen.

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid