Commentary of the Gospell

junio 25, 2023

«Do not be afraid» 

Today’s passage is part of the missionary discourse with which the Master prepares the apostles for their first experience of proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Jesus insistently exhorts them to «not be afraid». Fear is one of the worst enemies of our Christian life. 

The dominant theme of this Sunday is fear, a manifestation of our fundamental instinct to talk. Jesus says to his disciples: «Do not be afraid». The divine Master warns them of what lies ahead, so that they will not be surprised by anything that will happen to them in the future when they set out to preach his gospel message. But they must know that they are in good hands. 

The difficult mission of witnessing to the Gospel in a hostile environment is not only carried out with courage, power and wisdom, but above all with the help of God.

«Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth» The history of Christianity, from its origins to our time, is generous in this proclaimed reality. Prisons, persecutions and tortures have accompanied the Church in every age and latitude from the earliest times to the present day. But «do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul». Among us there are many Christians who, out of a false respect, do not show their condition, who are afraid of making a fool of themselves if they confess their convictions and bear witness to their faith, who are afraid of comments, criticism and the rejection of others, to whom Jesus says: «Whoever is ashamed of me before men, I will not confess him before my Father».        Words that we must never forget. We must courageously show our Christianity, even if it is «not acceptable». We must take to the streets again, as St. John Paul II told us, and openly confess our faith. This is what St. Paul did: «I am not ashamed of the Gospel, which is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes» (Rom 1,16), and this is what he recommends to his favourite disciple Timothy: «Do not be ashamed of the witness you are to bear to our Lord» (2 Tim 1,18).

PRAYER :Give us, Lord, the courage and perseverance necessary to continue to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus in a world that is indifferent and hostile to faith in God.

ACTION :Throughout this week treat with special tenderness those close to you.

(Psalm 68) May your great goodness hear me, Lord.


Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid