Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 28, 2023


Pentecost Sunday  / «Receive the Holy Spirit»

The Spirit is not as it might seem, something abstract, it is the most concrete person, the closest person who changes our life. The Spirit did not make their lives easier, he did not perform spectacular miracles, he did not eliminate problems and adversaries, but the Spirit brought to the lives of the disciples a harmony that they lacked, because he is harmony.

Pentecost is the feast of the Holy Spirit, the great unknown, the gift of God par excellence, the gift that makes all gifts possible.

What God really likes to give is his Spirit, which is what the Church needs more than good legislation, new theology, excellent structures and change of Liturgy. We need people filled with the Holy Spirit, because it is through them that salvation comes to us.

St. Francis of Assisi, a man filled with the Spirit of God, was able to change the society and the church of his time. He considered him the author of life and of the grace that inspires the faithful, poor and simple, and helps them to overcome their vices. Our problem is that of the apostles, they and we need the Holy Spirit, because without his presence our apostolate overwhelms us. The task of evangelization that Jesus entrusted to us before his departure to the Father is impossible to accomplish without Him. When we receive Baptism, the Spirit is given to us for the remission of sins. and in Confirmation, to strengthen us in the faith. These were the moments of our personal Pentecost to become witnesses of Christ, to take him to all the ends of the earth.

We must ask with absolute confidence for the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

«Lord, give us the Spirit of Christ, for we are your children.

Let us pray with Mary, as the apostles did while they were waiting for him before Pentecost. On this feast of Pentecost, we Christians need to thank and welcome with faith the immeasurable grace of the Holy Spirit, because it is the greatest grace we can receive. 


PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for the great gift of the Holy Spirit. Make us capable of appreciating His gifts in us.

ACTION: These days let us practice authentic forgiveness, the forgiveness that the Gospel of Jesus teaches us and the Holy Spirit reminds us of


(Psalm 103) Send your Spirit, Lord, and fill the face of the earth.



Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid