Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 7, 2023

«I am the Way, the Truth and the Life»

There are ways that do not lead to Christ, the ways of worldliness, the ways of self-assertion, the ways of selfish power, and there is the way of Jesus, the way of humble love, of prayer, of meekness, of trust, of service to others. It is not the way of my protagonism, it is the way of Jesus as the protagonist of my life. 

Before leaving for the Father, Jesus says these consoling and profound words to his disciples: «Do not lose your composure», «do not let your hearts tremble», do not worry about my departure, I am going to the Father and from there I will remain close to you, until one day we meet again in Him, who is our common home. These words of Jesus, so human and so comforting, are also valid for us who live nervous and stressed, worried and disoriented, often for reasons that lead us nowhere.

We must therefore try to be even-tempered, because in this way we multiply our effectiveness… Perhaps, in our daily relationships there are difficulties, small disagreements, frictions, conflicts… but self-control is necessary for us to maintain calm and peaceful coexistence. The Book of Proverbs says: «When a person is irritated, his reasons leave him».

In principle, we all want to keep calm, but we do not always do our best. Jesus, after exhorting his disciples to be calm, says to them: «Believe in God and believe also in me». This is the secret of calm: trust in the Lord and not in our own strength, because we all know that the calm that Jesus recommends to us is an active calm, which urges us to follow him, which is the way to the Father in heaven. It is not easy to keep calm, as we all know from experience, but we have to hope for it if we trust in these words of the Lord: «He who believes in me will do the works that I do, and greater works than these» (Jn 14,12). May nothing that happens to us in life lead us to despair. 

PRAYER :Lord, may we not believe that there are quicker ways to come to you than by following your Word. 

ACTION :Let us look back over the week’s journey and look for signs of hope that have come our way. 


Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid