Commentary of the Gospell

abril 8, 2023

In the darkness of the night, we light a candle. Standing in its light, we open the book to its first page and hear the stories of how God has loved and saved us throughout history. We baptize new members, plunging them into Christ’s death so that they might share in his resurrection as well. We gather around the table, celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus whose death gives us life. He left us the Eucharist as the sign of his presence with us. In the Eucharist, he is really and truly present with us today.

On this most holy night, we focus on that which is most essential – life and death, Word and Spirit, oil and water, bread and wine, Body and Blood – that which makes us one in Christ. By dying to ourselves and conforming our lives to Christ, we are invited to the Eucharistic table with our brothers and sisters, receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, a foretaste of heaven and food to strengthen us on our journey.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.