Commentary of the Gospell

julio 8, 2024

With faith, the impossible becomes possible.

Today’s Gospel narrative tells of two women. The first one was a young girl who passed away, and the other was ostracised due to an incurable hemorrhage, rendering her impure. We reflected on this incident from the Gospel of Mark last week. In the case of the young girl, her father took the courageous step of seeking Jesus’ help. On the other hand, the older woman took it upon herself to receive a miracle from Jesus without his direct knowledge.

These women stand for Israel, the wife of the Lord, who has gone away from her husband and becomes impure. It is only when she returns to her Master – that she will be healed of her impurities and be fruitful again. Israel, who fails to accept her Master, is like a dead person, and if the bridegroom does not raise her up, she will remain lifeless. Jesus, the Master lifts her up by hand and brings her back to life.

The tale of these two women also mirrors our own experiences. Jesus welcomes everyone without conditions. Today we stand in need of the healing touch and the new life from the Lord. 

Jesus by his example, invites us to get in touch with those excluded from society, the lepers, and the abandoned. We should not let inhibition, indifference, or disinterest keep us from getting in touch with reality or getting to know people. As Jesus did in this Gospel, let us give life to others. 

Biblie Claret