Commentary of the Gospell

febrero 28, 2023

Words can be used as weapons. Research in social media has demonstrated that the harsh language of social media coarsens our society, inflames anger, damages relationships, arouses a sense of inferiority, and may exacerbate mental illness.

Today’s readings remind us of the healing power of God’s words. God promises that his word will always bear fruit in our lives, but we are cautioned to avoid the needless multiplication of words/ Instead, we should limit our words to those that are necessary, true, and kind.

All too often, our lives are filled with words. We talk to friends, family, and co-workers. We watch videos, listen to music, or scroll through social media. What we are missing is opportunities for silence and contemplation. Periods of silence create the rhythm in our lives and prepare our hearts so that God’s word, planted in them, can bear fruit. The season of lent gives us an opportunity to tune out the noise and embrace moments of silence, resting in God’s holy Word.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.