Commentary of the Gospell

enero 22, 2023

Read: Today’s readings introduce us to Jesus’ mission. The prophet Isaiah tells us that the Messiah will come to banish darkness and death, replacing them with joy. Paul writes about the unity of those who follow Jesus, a unity founded in the Gospel and in the cross. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to abandon the past, change the way we live, and follow him.

Reflect: By baptism, we are united in the Body of Christ and so we share in his mission. Like Peter and Andrew, James and John, we are called to leave behind anything that is not God and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Change is never easy. facing our sinful behaviors can be embarrassing and painful. Avoiding occasions of sin is difficult and may cost us activities and relationships that we found pleasurable. It is fair to ask what we get in exchange for this effort. Jesus tells us what we will gain – the very kingdom of God. That kingdom — a kingdom of joy, unity, love, and hope – is near.

Pray: Lord Jesus, help me to love you above all things, to follow you, and to come to your kingdom.

Act: Seek the Lord’s forgiveness for your sins and make a firm commitment to change your ways.


«Come and follow me»

We, Christians today, have the joy of proclaiming and witnessing to our faith, because there was that first proclamation, because there were those humble and courageous men who responded generously to the call of Jesus. On the shores of the lake, in an unthinkable land, the first community of Christ’s disciples was born.May the awareness of these beginnings arouse in us the s desire to bring the word, love and tenderness of Jesus to every context, even the most difficult and resistant one. May the awareness of these beginnings arouse in us the s desire to bring the word, the love and the tenderness of Jesus to every context, even the most difficult and resistant one.

It is the third Sunday in Ordinary Time and little by little Jesus is discovering his mission, and for this purpose he forms his first group that settles in Jerusalem. He knows that John has been arrested and that it is the right moment to begin his mission. He withdrew to Galilee, settled in Capernaum and began his mission there: «Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand» He began by selecting his disciples: he called Simon, Andrew, James and John (sons of Zeveda) and told them: «Come and follow me, for I will make you fishers of men». He also calls you and me by name to witness, to speak, to live the proximity of the Kingdom, to give dignity to others, to liberate, to heal. Thank you, Jesus, for this message that you are leaving us. What do you want me to do, Lord, what do you want me to leave, how do I build the Kingdom, how do I live it in my daily life?

Lord, help us to live in fraternity, promoting solidarity and service to others as befits children of the same Father, be light in our lives, so often surrounded by voluntary shadows. Let us, therefore, leave behind discord and divisions, always selfish and self-interested, let us open our hearts and our way of life to the God who wants to reign in a community of brothers and sisters. 

In order not to be discouraged, we must be constant in prayer.  «For human weakness and sin prevent the full communion of Christ’s followers».

Prayer: Lord, enlighten the dark corners of our lives; make us feel your Gospel in our daily lives. 

(Psalm 26) The Lord is my light and my salvation. 


Vitoria Sanchez - Madrid Teacher and Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.