Commentary of the Gospell

enero 14, 2023

Early in his papacy, Pope Francis spoke about one of his favorite paintings, a painting that happens to depict the scene in today’s Gospel. The Calling of Saint Matthew by Caravaggio is in a chapel of the Church of saint Louis of France, a beautiful church not far from the Vatican. The painting shows the moment that Jesus invites Matthew (called Levi by Mark) to follow him. The light seems to pour out of Jesus, coming to rest on Matthew who is counting his money as he looks up in amazement that Jesus actually wants him as a follower.

Not only did Jesus invite Levi to follow him, he even ate with Levi and his friends. Once again, Jesus’ actions surprise the religious authorities. Tax collectors collaborated with the hated Romans and were known for cheating their neighbors. Why would a religious teacher voluntarily spend time with sinners and outcasts? To Jesus, no one is a lost cause, no one is beyond his mercy. Jesus extends his invitation to each of us. If we respond to that invitation and ask for his forgiveness, Jesus is always ready to welcome us.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.