Commentary of the Gospell

junio 30, 2024

Touch and be saved!

Today’s gospel passage beautifully illustrates the transformative power of faith in the healing process. We witness two healings performed by Jesus. First, a woman who had been suffering from blood loss for 12 years, touches the garment of Jesus and is healed. The second healing is the resuscitation of the daughter of Jairus, the synagogue official of Capernaum, a testament to the power of faith in the face of death.

The first woman stands for Israel, the wife of the Lord, who has gone away from her husband and becomes impure. It is only when she returns to her husband – the impure woman touching Christ – that she will be healed of her impurities and be fruitful again. This woman believes in Christ and says to herself: ‘If I succeed, even if only to touch his mantle, I will be saved.” She does not say ‘healed’ but ‘saved.’ Salvation means no more loss of life. 

The daughter of Jairus is also a representation of Israel. Israel, who fails to accept her Master, is like a dead person, and if the bridegroom does not raise her up, she will remain lifeless. Jesus, the Master lifts her up by hand and brings her back to life.

It’s important to remember that these two women represent each one of us, who, like them, are called to build life. In the Eucharist, we are given the opportunity to touch Him, to connect with His divine presence. In the lives of all the people around us, we have the opportunity to touch the image of God. To be saved, all we need to do is to reach out and touch Him in the sacraments, in the Word of God, and in the lives of people around us. This accessibility of salvation is our hope.

Biblie Claret