Commentary of the Gospell

December 8, 2022

Mary’s Amen

The totally unexpected and unheard-of news that angel Gabriel brought to young Mary evoked several reactions in her. Mary was troubled at heart; she wondered what was in store for her. She had honest doubts. In all probability, she would not have fully grasped the explanation given by the angel. Yet, at the end of it all, she trusted God. She surrendered. Unlike Adam and Eve who hid their nakedness from God, she bared her soul before God and then said, “so let it be.” One may argue that the grace of the immaculate conception that she was gifted with enabled her to respond the way she did. But the truth is, we are no very different: the grace given to her at the conception was given to us at our baptism. The same grace can empower us to say ‘yes’ to God’s will, unless we choose otherwise. May Mother Mary help us say amen to God’s will.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines