Commentary of the Gospell

noviembre 27, 2022

Waiting in Preparation

Isaiah’s vision reveals that God will teach the nations the way of peace and brotherhood. Paul invites us to wake up and put on the armor of light and conduct ourselves as children of light. Jesus exhorts us to be prepared to meet the Lord at any time.

We are entering a new liturgical year, with the season of Advent. Sadly, in many cultures today, the season of Advent does not really exist. We are already into Christmas! We have an almost incurable inability to wait; we jump from one celebration to another, binging on them compulsively. Even Carol services, which must ideally begin on the Christmas eve and continue later, are anticipated and completed within the Advent! We simply cannot tolerate vacuum and seek to fill it with noise. However, it is imperative to learn to wait in hope and delight, to feel the presence in the absence, to feel the hunger so as to enjoy the banquet better. Perhaps, in this Advent, we can learn how to wait in hope, by taking time to prepare ourselves in prayer and ordering our lives to receive Child Jesus.

“Lord, teach me the virtue of patient waiting in hope for the Lord.”

Chart out a 28-day preparatory step for the celebration of Christmas.

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The Watching

The Lord is coming; today, the first day of the liturgical year, this proclamation marks our starting point. We know that regardless of any favourable or unfavourable event, the Lord has not left us alone. we know that beyond any favourable or unfavourable event, the Lord has not left us alone. He came two thousand years ago and will come again at the end of time; but he is also coming today in my life, in your life, in your life.

With this Sunday the season of Advent begins, a time of waiting and hope. The readings of today tell us: «Let us walk in the light of the Lord» (Isaiah) and St. Paul: «It is high time to wake up» (Isaiah).

Because we can be victims of sleep, when we are in full activity. Watch, be vigilant, be ready», this is what the gospel tells us today. This is what the Gospel tells us today. To watch means to be attentive to what is coming.

Because if we are not, we can be distracted by things that could distract us from our conscious walk, and lead us to forget what is

and lead us to forget God.

Jesus tells us to watch, to perceive every moment as the last and most important moment of our life. The first Christians thought that the end of the world would come at any moment. But it is not a matter of speculating about the end of the world, because the time is totally unknown.

No one knows». Only the Father (Mt.24,36). Sometimes we ask ourselves: Why does God hide something as important as the end of the world from us? «So that we may be watchful» (Psalm 39,6-7,12).

Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind the advice that Jesus gives us today: «Watch», which means: believe, hope, love and love. The one who waits must do it in an active and committed way, the one who loves must always keep his heart on the watch. The best commitment of the watchman is prayer, because it includes faith, hope and charity.

The one who prays, believes, hopes and loves.

Jesus will not come only at the end of our days, but he came one day, he comes every day.

The invitation on this first Sunday of Advent to be ever vigilant should lead us to ask ourselves what we are neglecting.

Prayer: Lord, we ask that it is you, and not the things of this world, that fill our hearts.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid