Commentary of the Gospell

June 27, 2024

Nothing that lacks love comes from God

We are approaching the final recommendations from the sermon on the Mount. The early Church’s most difficult challenges may have arisen not from the emperors’ persecutions or the opposition of the Jewish leadership, but from internal divisions. Not everyone who professed to be a Christian preached the genuine Gospel. The presence and teachings of these leaders led Matthew to address the issue of false prophets in the community through the words of Jesus.

The disciples would face challenges from both outside and inside the community. Distinguishing the true Gospel from deceptive teachings and messengers involves going back to the start of the Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes.

The Beatitudes announce the new path to being blessed: the path of being truthful, honest, maintaining integrity, showing forgiveness, refraining from violence, and resisting the temptation to prioritise material wealth. However, all of these principles are centred around the commandment of love. Any teaching or action that contradicts the love for God and love for others is un-Christian.

The Gospel calls on us to refrain from wasting time in pointing fingers and judging others. Instead, the Gospel encourages us to examine ourselves today. If our actions, behaviour, and lifestyle do not align with the values of the Gospel, we provide a misleading example and become false prophets.

Actions speak louder than words and can convey different motivations. Jesus warned about the risks of practising charity, fasting, and prayer with impure intentions. Let’s strive to bear good fruits through our actions.

Biblie Claret