Commentary of the Gospell

noviembre 17, 2022


From Tears to Hope

Today’s readings are full of tears. John weeps over the realization that no human being is worthy to open the scrolls and break the seals. Following his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, Jesus pauses for a moment and weeps over the destiny of the city brought about by its failure to discern God’s ways. When one looks around the world and sees the many human atrocities happening, one can only shed tears over the hardheartedness of humanity. One wonders if a transformation is possible. However, those with faith can never lose hope. As John realized soon, there was, indeed, someone worthy to open the Book: The Lamb that was slain, yet alive and standing. Jesus, having shed tears, would soon break open the doors of salvation not only for Jerusalem, but for the entire world: for any person willing to believe in him. This is the hope that must keep us going even as we fight darkness.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines