Commentary of the Gospell

noviembre 15, 2022

Standing Apart

Zacchaeus was eager to see Jesus, but he could not do so because of the crowd. So he had to climb a tree and catch a glimpse of Jesus. The rest is history. Being part of a crowd helps us feel one with others and be part of a bigger reality. However, it can also prevent us from a personal encounter. Crowds can be manipulative and lead to ‘groupthink’, preventing us from a true vision of reality. This can apply to faith matters as well. Whereas it is essential and helpful to be part of a group, it is also necessary to take some “time out” to spend in personal prayer, reflection, and encounter. God must be met in community as well as within the sacred inner chamber of one’s soul. How hard has it been for you to withdraw from the busy world of your life and spend some time – a day or a week – alone with the Alone?

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines