Commentary of the Gospell

noviembre 12, 2022

On Prayer

Prayer is as essential as breath for a soul. Reflecting on the spiritual journey, 13th century mystic St. Angela of Foligno underlines the need for sustained prayer thus: “No one can be saved without divine light. Divine light causes us to begin and to make progress, and it leads us to the summit of perfection. Therefore, if you want to begin and to receive this divine light, pray. If you have begun to make progress, pray. And if you have reached the summit of perfection, and want to be super-illumined so as to remain in that state, pray. If you want faith, pray. If you want hope, pray. If you want charity, pray. If you want poverty, pray. If you want obedience, pray. If you want chastity, pray. If you want humility, pray. If you want meekness, pray. If you want fortitude, pray. If you want any virtue, pray.”

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines