Commentary of the Gospell

October 30, 2022

Transforming Lives

The Book of Wisdom teaches us that the sign of God’s omnipotence is his mercy and compassion for all beings. Paul observes that it is God who makes us worthy of his calling and fulfils our good intentions. Jesus embodies the compassion of God which moves Zacchaeus to conversion.

Zacchaeus’ conversion story is a great pedagogical example as to how to transform people for the better, to bring the best out of them.  Look at how Jesus goes about doing it: Here is a tax collector, a sinner in the eyes of the society and therefore held in contempt. No self-respecting Jew would want to associate with him. What does Jesus do? He simply tells Zacchaeus that he wants to spend the night at his house. Zacchaeus is delighted; yet, at the back of his mind he will have expected some private censure by Jesus. But, nothing. Jesus does not utter a word about his sinful life; instead simply enjoys his hospitality. That’s enough to bring Zacchaeus to conversion. When he announces his intention to the public, Jesus joyfully affirms his belovedness to God.

“Lord, give me the grace to accept people as they are.”

Visit (or talk to) someone whom you have kept away from your life for long.


“Come down, for today I must stay at your house” 
Sometimes we try to correct or convert a sinner by scolding him, reproaching him for his mistakes and his unjust behaviour.Jesus’ attitude towards Zacchaeus shows us another way: that of showing the one who is wrong his value, that value that God still sees in spite of everything, in spite of all his mistakes.This can provoke a positive surprise, which causes tenderness in the heart and impels the person to bring out all the good he has in himself.The gesture of giving confidence to people is what makes them grow and change.

This is how God behaves with all of us: He does not stop our sin, but overcomes it with love and makes us feel the longing for the good, we have all felt this longing for the good after we have made a mistake, and this is how our Father God does it, this is how Jesus does it, there is no person who does not have something good in him, and this is what God looks at to bring him out of evil. 

Zacchaeus was a very rich man because of his job as a tax collector.his profession was to collect taxes.being a tax collector was frowned upon.

Jesus had been preaching for a long time, he was already famous, and Zacchaeus tried to see him, but he couldn’t because he was short, and many people were crowding around him, but Jesus looked up and saw him and said to him: “Zacchaeus, come down, for today I must stay at your house.  Jesus said to him: “I want to be your friend”. He had just discovered a great spirit that changed his heart by offering him his friendship, by welcoming him in the tenderness of his divine mercy. What does it mean to be converted? To be converted is to transform into works the mercy, the forgiveness that we have freely received from God.

And he said to the Lord: “Behold, half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken advantage of anyone, I will restore him four times as much”.

The figure of Zacchaeus has become and will be repeated many times throughout history. Because the grace of Christ is hidden and at work in the details of life and makes us children of God. Like Zacchaeus there are those who leave everything to follow Christ, to live his life and his demands. Because the history of salvation continues. 

The Eucharistic celebration actualises the encounter of God with us and the reconciliation of us with God. Through Jesus Christ, who is the perfect synthesis and the perfect dialogue between the human and the divine.

The story of Zacchaeus is our own story, and that of each one of us in particular, and that of all of us in general. For we all seek and need to meet God, but he comes to meet us because he desires our salvation and conversion, and he became man so that we might come to God.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for loving us unconditionally in spite of our mistakes and falls. 

(Psalm 144) I will bless your name forever, my God, my King.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid