Commentary of the Gospell

October 23, 2022

“He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. 

Jesus addresses this parable “Of the Pharisee and the tax collector” because there were “some” who considered themselves righteous and were self-confident and despised others (Lk.18,9).

In this parable Jesus uses the pedagogy of contrast to present two very different types of people in their religiosity before God. They are a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisee was a pious man who was searching for the will of God to become holy, in contrast to the Pharisee in the parable we meet the tax collector. They were tax collectors for Rome.

They were considered to be dishonourable, but the tax collector of the parable stands before God and says: “O God, have mercy on this sinner”, he feels the need for divine forgiveness, he does not judge others and trusts in God’s mercy.

Pharisees and tax collectors, we go to our churches, God knows us all, and the question we must ask ourselves is: Which group are we in? What is our true behaviour? And if we answer honestly, then we have no choice but to act accordingly. 

St. Augustine, a good Christian, but also a great sinner, prayed to God saying: “May I know you, and may I know myself”, that is, may we know ourselves in order to see the strength of the sin that dwells in our hearts, and above all may we know God and recognise him as the only one who can save us, that everything is God’s gift and grace. 

We begin each Eucharist with the penitential act “I confess” “Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy”, we feel that we are sinners in the presence of the Lord, that is why we express with the simplicity of children, our supplications and our trust, all this should make us think from the beginning of our celebration, that it should not be centred on our merits, nor on our weaknesses, but on the goodness of God.

Prayer: Today may be a good day to pray to the Lord and ask Him to help us to discover the greatness of being small in His sight.

(Psalm 35) If the afflicted call upon the Lord, he hears them.

This Sunday we have the celebration of the World Mission Sunday. MOTTO: YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES “.

The World Mission Sunday is a great opportunity to participate actively in the universal mission of the Church, because Jesus continues to invite us today to bear witness. Will you join us?


Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid