Commentary of the Gospell

junio 21, 2024

Treasure Hunt

Many of the problems we see today stem from misplaced values. If we prioritise building our treasure with God, it will remain untouched by destructive forces and will never lose its value. In God’s kingdom, there is no room for evil. It is not treasures or human accomplishments that count in the life of a Christian, but rather the spiritual treasures that are stored in heaven. These are the goods that will endure because there is no earthly force that will destroy them. And of this wealth, it can be said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Many people we know in life never gain prominence and are never seen in a newspaper headline. yet their hearts are full of kindness. They willingly lend a helping hand whenever they see someone in need. They dedicate themselves to spreading positivity and never expect anything in return. When they eventually leave us, their impact may not make the headlines, but they’ve truly lived lives filled with boundless goodness. The grace of God in them has not been fruitless, and now a treasure in heaven awaits them.

Jesus prompts us: “Invest in heaven!” Your spiritual investments are love, kindness, and faith. They are secure and yield eternal dividends. Our heart acts as a compass, guiding us toward our desires. If our desires are materialistic, our heart leads us to the pursuit of possessions. However, if our desires are spiritual, our heart urges us to seek God. Therefore, recalibrate your priorities and focus on heavenly pursuits.

Strive for joy instead of material possessions. Let’s become bearers of light. Embrace the invigorating joy that comes from living a fulfilling life of faith.

Bible Claret