Commentary of the Gospell

septiembre 14, 2022

The Cross That Heals

On this holy day when we look up on and honor the Cross of Christ, here is an excerpt from St. John Damascene on the Cross of Christ, for us to meditate: 
“By the cross all these things have been set aright…
It is a seal that the destroyer may not strike us, 

a raising up of those who lie fallen, 
a support for those who stand, 
a staff for the infirm, 
a crook for the shepherded, 
a guide for the wandering, 
a perfecting of the advanced, 
salvation for soul and body, 
a deflector of all evils, 
a cause of all goods, 
a destruction of sin, 
a plant of resurrection, 
and a tree of eternal life.”

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines