Commentary of the Gospell

septiembre 12, 2022

Saintly Pagan

To have the kind of faith that fills God with admiration is no small feat! The faith and conduct of the unnamed Roman officer were so profound that his words have entered the Rite of Communion in the Holy Mass. He definitely deserved it, for he exhibited many evangelical virtues: a profound faith that honored God and confessed his own unworthiness; deep trust that Jesus would do the right thing for his servant; genuine concern for the welfare of his servant – being an officer, he had far greater matters to busy himself with and no one would have faulted him if he hadn’t cared for his ailing servant; though a Roman official, he respected the religious traditions of the Jews and provided them with a synagogue… What greater proof Jesus needed for his love of God and neighbor! This saintly pagan must definitely serve as a model for us, Christians.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines