Commentary of the Gospell

August 21, 2022

Jogging God’s Memory

Isaiah prophesies the restoration of all peoples under one God. The letter to the Hebrews urges us to view trials and sufferings as God’s corrective. Jesus speaks of entering through the narrow gate.

Jesus says: “I do not know where you come from.” Matthew puts it bluntly: “I never knew you: depart from Me” (cf. Mt 7:21-23). Could these words be directed to us who have celebrated many Eucharists (dining with Christ) read the Bible regularly (listening to him), preached and attended many retreats? How frightening would it be when these words come from God Himself, who has said that He knew us before we were even formed in the womb (cf. Jer 5:1), that He knows us by our name (cf. Is 43:1), and that our names are written in the palm of His hands (cf. Is 49:16)! If our words of faith have not become flesh in us, Christ simply does not see his image and likeness in us. The best way to jog his memory is by walking the narrow way of doing the will of his Father. It guarantees that we are counted as his family, and who fails to recognize one’s siblings (cf. Mt 12:50)? 

“Lord, in Your Will is my peace.”

Make an act of faith.


21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C )-“Try to enter through the narrow gate”

No, titles do not count.The Lord will recognise us only by a humble life, a good life, a life of faith that translates into works.For us Christians this means that we are called to establish true communion with Jesus, praying, going to church, approaching the Sacraments, receiving and being nourished by his Word. This keeps us in faith, nourishes our hope, revives our charity, and so, with God’s grace, we can and must dedicate our lives to the good of our brothers and sisters, fighting against all forms of evil and injustice. 

Salvation is a decisive factor: Eternal life or eternal death depends on whether our life as a whole is in accordance with the central doctrine of the Gospel: to love God and our neighbour. We all want to be saved, that is why we have to search in all humility and simplicity for the passages in which Christ spoke about eternal life, when He divides people into His right hand and His left hand. He spoke of the love of God, translated into love of neighbour, which is above all religious practices, of giving food and drink, of visiting the sad, the sick, the imprisoned, at the end of life, St John of the Cross said: “They will examine us on Love”.

To love is the road map to reach a happy end in the race of life.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate” (Lk.13,24.) Authentic Love is that which sincerely seeks the good of the other, it has a hard side, which implies the struggle against one’s own selfishness. 

The radical call to enter through the door is only possible when one discovers that Jesus himself is the door: “I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved” (Jn.10,9). 

Will many or few be saved?  St. John tells us in the book of Revelation that there is a multitude of the blessed that no one can count. God’s mercy is infinite, he wants to save us all. Salvation, yes, it is a gift of God, but it demands a positive response from us: St. Augustine says: “God who created you without you, will not save you without you”.

Today, we should stay a little bit after the Eucharist to sincerely ask Christ. 

May we discover in this way the key that opens the door to salvation, which begins here and now. 

Prayer: Lord, make our hearts a great space.

Where the most important thing is not words and rituals, but love.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid