Commentary of the Gospell

agosto 5, 2022

Dying to Self

Ever tried to “lose” something consciously, say like wanting to lose a wallet? It’s pretty hard, right? It is when we are not conscious of something that we may end up losing it. Now, apply this to “losing one’s life for Christ.” How hard some people try to “lose” their life for Christ and end up hurting themselves and others! When Jesus invites us to deny ourselves or lose our lives for him, he isn’t advocating self-inflicted violence. Here is an exercise: Right at this moment, if you are thinking of your head/tooth, most probably you are suffering from a headache/toothache. Instead, if your head/tooth is healthy, you simply forget you have a head/tooth, but use it well! The same applies to life. When you have a healthy attitude to life, you don’t cling to it, but simply “forget” your life and let it fall away, for greater purposes. There is a “self-forgetfulness” as you relativize your own life and care for the life of others – a true death that we let in without violence.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines