Commentary of the Gospell

July 28, 2022

Easing into God’s Hands

How does it feel to be clay in the hands of a potter? If the clay were to be conscious, would it feel a shudder through its spine, fear, a sense of helplessness and loss of control of its life? Or, would it have a sense of peacefulness, a delightful sense of self-surrender? Hopefully, it is the latter. For, nothing is more precious for a potter than the clay in his hands. Being a professional, he knows what to do with the clay; he already has a design, image, and purpose for the final product. He is committed to working on the clay until his purpose is served. The role of the clay, if it were conscious, is to ease into the hands of the potter, totally surrendering itself to be shaped the way the latter wants it. How tranquil and delightful would our lives be, if we could keep surrendering to God’s will on a daily basis!

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines