Commentary of the Gospell

julio 23, 2022

Weed or Wheat?

Weren’t the servants a bit too overzealous in wanting to weed off the land? What if what appears to be weed is not weed at all? Do they know enough to pull out weeds without causing harm to the wheat nearby? Could it be possible that the wheat might grow stronger with some weeds competing with them? Fortunately, the Master had greater wisdom and patience. He knew how to play the waiting game. Perhaps some weeds might turn out to be actually wheat! Don’t we find some children branded too early to be “weeds” turn out to be the true “wheat” for the family, and vice versa? Too often well-meaning interventions without sufficient discernment may do more harm than good. As a wise saying goes, if I have God’s power, I would change the world; but if I have God’s wisdom, probably I may not. The best option is to discern with the Lord and do whatever he tells us.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines