Commentary of the Gospell

July 17, 2022

Being at the Feet

Abraham plays host to the triune God. Paul speaks of the sufferings he has endured in order to preach the mystery of Christ. Jesus declares that being at his feet, listening to him is a higher vocation.

Bishop Pedro Casaldàliga was a fiery Claretian missionary bishop who cared for the indigenous people of Amazonian Brazil. When he died at the age of 92, the way his body was laid out in the casket was revealing: with naked feet and an open Bible kept just above them. They summed up his life: the feet that walked the earth, fired by the Word of God. Those specialized in alternative medicine tell us that every part of our body is represented on our feet. The feet carry the footprint of one’s soul. The worship of the feet is a ritual in many cultures. Mother Mary stood at the feet of the Crucified. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. What can be a greater vocation than sit at the feet of Christ, lean on him, fix the gaze on his face, and listen to his word! Indeed, both Marys chose the better part!

Your prayer today is the act below.

Sit at the foot of the Cross, fix your gaze on the Crucified, and listen to him.


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Prayer and Action

Our relationship with God – represented in Mary – the vertical dimension of our life is fundamental.

But our relationship with others – represented by Martha – the horizontal dimension is also fundamental

In our Christian life, the important thing is to know how to reconcile the two dimensions:service to God and to others, because the two are complementary and not mutually exclusive.

The conclusion of the scene reminds us of Jesus’ saying: “Seek above all the Kingdom of God and his righteousness; the rest will be given to you as well” ( Mt.6,33 ).

The Virgin Mary perfectly balanced the two vocations. She was Mary when she meditated in her heart the word of God and she was Martha when she went to visit her cousin St. Elizabeth.

The important thing is to unite prayer and action. Because when prayer is authentic, it is followed by action. Prayer does not take the Christian away from life and its problems. Rather, the believer draws from prayer the necessary strength to transform reality.

Knowing how to listen to the Word of God is the first thing to do before moving on to any activity of service in the Kingdom.

To do this, we must be cured of our haste, we must pause slowly within ourselves” (Benedict XVI).

Because it is communication with God that changes our heart and renews it. There is time for everything, both to speak and to be silent; The book of Ecclesiastes tells us.

Each one of us knows which of the two aspects of prayer and action we need to strengthen in our lives. Jesus had moments of personal prayer to pray to his Father, and to meditate, leaving the Father, and to meditate, leaving for a few hours his dedication to others.

Our work cannot be good if it has no roots, if we are not in contact with God, if it is not based on prayer. if it is not based on listening to his Word.

(Pope Francis) The Lord always surprises us when we begin to listen to him; clouds vanish, doubts give way to truth, fears give way to serenity, and the different situations of our lives are to the place where they belong.

Prayer: In many places women are discriminated against just because they are women. Today we pray in a special way that this will disappear as soon as possible.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid