Commentary of the Gospell

junio 15, 2022

Facebooking Charity

There was a time we were deeply ashamed and angry at the violation of personal space if someone read our private diaries. However, in this age of social media, we love to publicize every thought, feeling, or action of ours—be it via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.—and we are heartbroken if a sizeable number of people hasn’t seen, read, or “liked” it! Whereas the social media is a blessing in many ways, one cannot but wonder if it hasn’t overfed our narcissistic impulses, to the point of even hurting others. Even within the Church, there is an increasing tendency to publicize every little good we do. Imagine publishing a photo of some poor students receiving donated clothes, with these students having to face their peers in schools with the label “the poor”! The necessity of documentation of charitable works is understandable; but if and when it amounts to narcissistic chest-thumping or worse, to poverty-porn that humiliates the poor and the needy, we are violating the Gospel. 

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines