Commentary of the Gospell

junio 12, 2022

THE Mystery


The Wisdom is the Firstborn of all creation. We are at peace with the Father, thanks to the Son and the Spirit. Jesus gives us a glimpse into the Trinitarian Mystery.


Perhaps the Trinity is so profound a mystery that it unfolds every day before our eyes in such simplicity and elegance that we miss it, sadly. Here is a little poem “Three in One” by André Quintelier from his book «Listening… and now & then a word.”

God, when I was still a child

people told me about you

as three in one.

This mystery remained a puzzle for me.

Today I met three young kids

with one pushcart.

One kept an eye on the cart

one found valuable things in the garbage

and one begged for food

at the Burger King stall.

Somebody left half of her portion over

and the three of the one pushcart

shared the noodles.

Is this the solution of the puzzle?


“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, make my heart your home.”


Mark yourself, slowly and reflectively, with the Sign of the Cross.


  «Solemnity of the Holy Trinity». 

«The Spirit of Truth will guide you into the fullness of Truth».

As children we learn to call God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and in this way we express the deepest mystery of our faith: that God is one in nature and triune in person. It is the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the greatest mystery of all and the summary and source of all the mysteries of our faith. This mystery is revealed by Jesus, to make known to us the infinite greatness of God, a knowledge that leads us to love and adore Him.

From the beginning of his public life, Jesus tells us that God is the Father, that he gave us life, that he is the creator, that he has a heart of mercy for us, that he revealed himself to mankind, that he is concerned about their problems, and that he is looking for their liberation. He clothes the lilies of the field and feeds the birds of the air. He is so generous, that He pours down His rain on the field of the good and the wicked. He always speaks of Him in his prayer, and tells us to call Him Father and to be totally identified with Him and always obedient to His will: «The Father and I are one and the same. «(Jn.10,30).

The greatness of this mystery does not distance God from us and from our life. The most important moments of the life of faith are administered in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, beginning with Baptism and continuing with the sacrament of reconciliation in which sins are forgiven in the name of the Trinity, and this name is invoked at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration, the mystery of faith.   From the greeting to the farewell, everything in the mass has a Trinitarian imprint and atmosphere, which is evident in all the elements or parts of the mass: the Gloria, the prayers, the Creed, the Preface, as well as the central prayer. Finally we can say what St. Augustine said: «If we want to understand the Trinity, let us live in charity» (Pope Francis).

(Pope Francis) Today we praise God, not for a particular mystery, but for Himself, «for His immense glory», we praise and thank Him because He is Love, and because He calls us to enter into the embrace of communion, which is eternal life. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may the Spirit make us understand what we do not yet know, may we listen to you in what he tells us.

(Psalm 8) Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid