Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 12, 2022

Bettering the Master

One of the self-justifying refrains of some people who walked out of priesthood, religious life, or even the very Church, can be paraphrased thus: “I gave my everything for my Order/Church. And look at what I got! They never recognized my talents; never placed me in the ministries that I wanted; never gave me a chance to study further; it was too clerical. I wasted my life in there.” They may be right. There are many things that need to change within the Church and many religious Orders. But they also need to honestly ask themselves: Didn’t I follow a master who “wasted” his life? A master who was ill-treated, never received what he deserved from his contemporaries. Did I expect to be treated better than the Master?” If we can understand this, our perspectives on life will change. And if we put it into practice, as Jesus says, we will be blessed!

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines