Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 5, 2024

Servant of the Lord was the highest title of honour, a title reserved to the great personages that we find in the Old Testament: Moses, David, Joshua and the like. In the New Testament, St. Paul would present himself as a servant of the Lord. We also have a woman, the only one, to whom the early Christian community, attributed the title – ‘servant of the Lord’ – that was Mary. St. Luke in his Gospel puts this beautiful expression in her mouth, saying: “ ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ to indicate the complete availability of Mary to serve the plan of God.

But today, Jesus introduces a new title of honour: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. This is new title of honour: ‘friend of Jesus.’

Jesus emphasizes the difference between the servant and the friend and says: the servant does not know what are the plans of his master. Relationship between friends is completely
different. Imagine what it meant at the time of Jesus to be a friend of Caesar; Caesar’s friend had free access to the palace without following the check-points and schedules. He could meet with the emperor at any time. In the Old Testament: Abraham is called the friend of God. He is the one with whom the Lord discusses his issues. We remember the case of Sodom and Gomorrah: God discusses with his friend Abraham and tells him: «Look, I am compelled to do away
with these two cities.»

Jesus does not want servants but disciples who are friends; Jesus cannot call his disciples ‘servants’ because he has revealed to them God’s design of love upon the world. Only friends are entrusted with these family secrets while servants remain in the dark.

Unfortunately, there are still many who are stuck in the relationship that of obedient subjects to a lawgiver, that of the employer who pays his employee at the end of the day. Many still prefer this spirituality because they are convinced that by doing good and following the rules, they accumulate merit in front of this boss that is God.

But Jesus rejects this kind of a spirituality. He wants us to involve in his projects not out of compulsion but out of our free will. This is the friendship that Jesus wants to establish with his disciples, this joy of loving and giving freely.

We know that God loves us and wants to live among us. He calls us his friends, his chosen ones. Let us respond to his love without measure. We are sure that we love God and that he is present among us when we love one another. May God give us the strength to do so.
