Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 3, 2024

Lord, show us the Father!

Today we remember two apostles: Philip and James. In the first chapter of John, Jesus spoke to Philip, a fisherman from Galilee and said, «Follow me.» Philip did not want to follow Jesus alone, so he went to find his friend Nathanael and told him that they had found the one that Moses wrote about in the law (Jn 1:43-51). 

The passage for today starts with Jesus defining himself: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus himself is the way to follow, to live in truth and to have life in abundance. Faith in Jesus is not a “package of ideas” in which we believe but rather a road to be travelled, a journey to undertake, with Jesus. Following Jesus and imitating him, especially with deeds of closeness and mercy towards others. This is the compass for reaching Heaven: loving Jesus, the way, becoming signs of his love on earth.

Jesus’ love, mercy and compassion revealed to the world the nature of God the Father. Jesus says, “Whoever sees me sees the Father.” Pope Francis invites us “to meet the Lord by reading the Word of God frequently.” If you are not used to it yet, start with the Gospels. Read a passage each day. Let the Word of God speak to your hearts, let it be light for your steps, and guide us to the Father. Let us make Philip’s desire our prayer: “Lord, show us the Father, and that is enough.”
