Commentary on the Gospel for October 28, 2024

octubre 28, 2024

Stone upon stone

Today we are talking about houses. Or rather, house, in the singular. The word house in Hebrew (beyt) has a much greater meaning than a simple building. It is an extended family (the house of Israel, «all his house»), it is life (Bethesda: house of water; Bethlehem: house of bread), it is people. When Cornelius and «all his house» convert to Christianity, it is not a mere imposition of the father of the family; the personal identity is part of the identity as a people. The personal profession of faith is made in the context of a family, not in isolation. When Paul tells the Ephesians that «you are no longer strangers», it is not just to give them a citizenship certificate, but he recognizes their belonging to the family, to the house, to their identity. And he goes even further: «We are the house of God, built, joined together, one stone upon another, a living stone. We add ourselves, we insert ourselves into Christ, the cornerstone of the whole building. «They are no longer strangers» is not just a plea for immigrants. It is something much deeper: it is a call to be part of the building, of the home, of the family, of life, of the house, of the people; not to be a stranger is to be part of the family: to be a house, to be a people. And this has lifelong consequences. To live now as a living stone is to be faithful to Christ’s message of salvation; it is discipleship and following. It is abiding in this life and this bread.

Therefore, Jesus’ call to the twelve is much more than an anecdote of «discipleship». It is a complete change of identity. These twelve (including the one who would betray him, who denied himself) are now something else: they are part of this «house». And they are a very important part: they are the twelve of the house of Israel; they are the pillars of that house. Therefore, Judas’ betrayal is a terrible wound, not only for Judas himself, but for the whole house. A terrible wound that must be repaired immediately after the death of Jesus. The house must be complete: with its twelve apostolic pillars and with all its living stones. We are not strangers.


Carmen Aguinaco