Commentary on the Gospel for Saturday, October 5, 2024

octubre 5, 2024

Ember Days

In the Catholic Church, Ember Days are short liturgical cycles that happen at the end and beginning of the four seasons of the year. Originally, their purpose was to dedicate time to thank God for the benefits received from the earth and to ask for his blessing on the crops so that they would produce abundant harvests.

In a way, with today’s readings we continue what we considered yesterday about Saint Francis of Assisi in his relationship with nature and the Creator. The first reading, taken from the book of Exodus, urges us not to forget that everything we have comes from God. «We ask that your light – we read in the Collect – make us discover that it has been you and not our power, who has given us the strength to create the riches of the earth.»

It’s a simple prayer. Easy to say for sensible people if they are humble. The truth is that no one can guarantee a good harvest: rain or lack thereof, pests, fires… Just as there is no business that cannot fail. No one is safe from their efforts, time, and abilities not fully ensuring the prosperity of their business. That’s why it’s foolish to revel in triumph if it happens and attribute it entirely to oneself. Of course, if you can justly appreciate the work done with righteousness and rejoice, giving thanks to God who makes it possible. Talents (strength, intelligence, aptitude, ability, knowledge) can be acquired or developed, and wealth and well-being can be created with them. And it’s very good to rejoice, giving thanks to God, of course.

Not too long ago, it was natural to say «thank God,» «God willing,» «God grant it.» Now those expressions are rarely heard outside of Christian circles, although in Spain there is still a majority of the baptized population… Let’s say it without fear at any time and place. Somewhere I read the following: the worst moment for an atheist is when they feel grateful and can’t find anyone to thank. Following the same logic, our best moment is to give thanks to the One we know loves us and from whom all good things come.

Virginia Fernández