Gospel commentary for Tuesday, December 10, 2024

diciembre 10, 2024

The Divine folly of love

In today’s Gospel, Jesus presents a striking parable: a shepherd leaves ninety-nine sheep on a hillside to search for one that has strayed. To the practical mind, this decision seems reckless. Yet, as Pope Francis often reminds us, this parable unveils the radical, unmeasured love of God—a love that defies human logic.

Pope Francis describes God’s love as “restless.” It doesn’t wait for the lost sheep to return but ventures out into danger, crossing mountains and valleys to find it. This is the heart of the Gospel: God does not measure worth by numbers or practicality. Each soul, no matter how broken or lost, is infinitely valuable.

In his homilies, Pope Francis challenges us to see ourselves as both the lost sheep and the shepherd. As the lost sheep, we are reminded of our need for God’s mercy and the assurance that He never abandons us, no matter how far we stray. He rejoices more over our return than over the others who remain safe—a love that Pope Francis calls «extravagant» and «unfathomable.»

As shepherds, we are urged to embrace this divine absurdity. How frequently do we hold back compassion for those we dislike, those outside our group, or those who challenge us, simply because it feels inconvenient or illogical? Pope Francis warns us against a lukewarm faith that lacks boldness. He urges us to adopt the shepherd’s heart—one that seeks, sacrifices and rejoices in the recovery of the lost.

This parable invites us to trust the God who searches for us with relentless love and embody that love in our relationships. May we learn to rejoice in finding the lost and to embrace the «folly» of divine love.