The glories of Mount Carmel are sung in the bible, as the prophet Elijah had stood up there for the purity of Israel’s faith. In the twelfth century, hermits withdrew to this mountain and later founded the Carmelite order, which is devoted to the contemplative life under the patronage of Mary, the holy Mother of God.
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
Mary, the mother of your Son Jesus Christ,
was open to the word of God
with a believing, trusting mind and heart.
Like her, may we entrust ourselves to you
ponder your words and seek your will in them.
Make your will our will,
that you may lead us to your home
under the guidance of him
who sought your will in everything,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
this bread and this wine
are signs that with Jesus and Mary
we are ready to seek your will.
Allow us to share in this table
as his brothers and sisters, his relatives,
and to follow him on his faithful way
to you, our God for ever.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God,
make us, like Mary, ponder the words
which Jesus has spoken here to us.
Let them be words that guide our lives
and to which we respond in all we do.
Let the bread of strength of your Son
give us the will and the courage
to make your good news
the foundation of our lives.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.