November 4
Today's saint, Charles Borromeo (1538-1584), embodies the renewal of the Church. Though through the abuses of his time, he became, as nephew of the Pope, a cardinal, secretary of State and archbishop of Milan, all at the age of 22, he was capable and not a part of any corruption. He played an important role in the final stages of the Council of Trent. Finally residing in Milan, he put the renewal of the Church mandated by the Council into practice by reforming diocesan structures, founding seminaries, doing pastoral visitation, giving away everything he had, including his beddings during an epidemic of pestilence. He died at the age of 46, consumed with the love and zeal of Christ.
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
as Christians we need to be marked,
like St. Charles Borromeo,
with the life and death of your Son.
Give us the strength to renew ourselves,
that you may write straight
with the crooked lines of our lives
and make us instruments of your love
and witnesses to the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
you have made us responsible in your Church
for the lasting happiness of our neighbor.
Accept this bread and this wine
as signs that we want to share
our faith, our hope, our joy,
our time, and our concern
with all those who need us and whom we need.
Give us this strength by the body and blood
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God,
you have nourished us in this Eucharist
with Jesus, your Son.
Give to your Church shepherds
like St. Charles Borromeo,
who nourish those entrusted to them
with the gift of themselves,
who know their people and who are known by them.
Inspire and lead them with the good Spirit
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.