Bishop of Antioch in the 1st century, Ignatius (+c. 107) was arrested and condemned to be thrown to the beasts. On his way to Rome, several communities of Christians received him with much veneration. He thanked them in letters written during his journey, encouraged them to hold on to the faith and to remain united with the hierarchy "as strings on a lyre." He requested Christians not to keep him from dying a martyr, for "I am the wheat of Christ; let the teeth of the lions grind me, that I may become the stainless bread of Christ."
We too, become the bread of Christ and our life must become a Eucharist, an offering of thanksgiving with Christ.
Opening Prayer
God our steadfast hope,
St. Ignatius of Antioch knew that in his martyrdom
he identified with your Son, Jesus.
Like Jesus, he was planted as a grain of wheat
in the furrows of the earth.
Let there grow from his death
an abundant harvest of a new humanity.
Give your people strength to follow him
so that our love and deep faith
may bring life and joy to many.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
in these signs of bread and wine,
we remember Jesus, your Son,
who gave himself to all
as bread broken and shared
and as wine to be poured for the joy of all.
Give us the spirit of Jesus,
that we too, may commit ourselves
to the happiness of those around us.
Make us willing to accept suffering
if this is the price to pay,
for being faithful to you and to people.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our faithful God,
on account of his love for you and for us,
no suffering was too painful for your Son,
no death too costly
to win for us lasting life and happiness.
Through this Eucharist, help us to accept
the invitations and risks of love.
Make us follow your Son
in living not for ourselves but for others
and give us the certainty
that pain or death is not the end
but the seed of a new beginning
in Christ Jesus, our Lord.