ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS, Priest and Doctor
December 14
The religious name, which Juan Yepes took as a Carmelite, was a very fitting one: Juan de la Cruz. Once St. Teresa of Jesus had drawn him into the reform of the Carmelite order, trials beset him from all sides, especially from his own confreres, who misunderstood his intentions and even imprisoned him. Yet, his suffering served only to deepen his interior life to bring him closer to God in a mystical union. He is one of the greatest mystics of the Church.
May we learn from this "pilgrim of the absolute who thirsted for God," as is said of him, to live in close union with God.
Opening Prayer
Lord, our God,
how difficult it is to accept change,
even when it is for our good and that of others.
As we honor St. John of the Cross, we ask you
that in the dark night of trials, and suffering
we too, may keep searching
for your light and love
in trust and peace of mind,
for you are all that matters.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
in this bread and wine, we express
that we keep searching for you.
Deepen and purify our faith and love,
that we may come to know you better.
And confirm our trust
that nothing can harm us
and that we are always in your hands.
Grant us this through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God,
in the strength of the body and blood
of your Son, Jesus Christ,
we express our trust in you.
Help us to remain always pilgrims and seekers
who try to live more deeply
the truth and beauty and life
of the Gospel of your Son,
that it may be good news to us,
our joy and what we live for.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.