ST. LEO THE GREAT, Pope and Church Doctor
November 10
At the occasion of the feast of a Pope(+461) who understood his time and who is therefore one of the two popes called "the great," we reflect for a moment on the task and service of leadership in the Church. Serving, witnessing, collegiality among the leaders and with priests and the laity, seeking together to translate the Gospel in a language our time understands-these seem to be the key demands made today on the leadership of the Church.
Opening Prayer
Father in heaven,
you have revealed to us
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
At this celebration of St. Leo the Great, we ask you:
Give us a great understanding
and trust in the leadership of the Church,
that together with the pope and our bishops,
we may strengthen the community
of the faithful of your Church
and bear witness with them to the world
of your saving mercy and love.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
we profess that Jesus, your living Son,
will be present among us
in these signs of bread and wine.
Let him strengthen us with his Spirit
to follow him wherever he leads us,
even through pain and death,
that with him we may share
in your glory and lasting joy.
For he is our Lord for ever.
Prayer after Communion
God of power and might,
your Son, Jesus Christ, has come among us
without any display of power
but rather as the humble servant
of his brothers and sisters.
Let those who bear in the Church
the burden of authority
become more like your Son.
Unconcerned about power and prestige,
may they reflect the attitude of Jesus,
who came not to be served but to serve.
Let this be their way
to Christ Jesus, our Lord.