Opening Prayer
Lord, mighty God,
often we interrogate ourselves and life;
we have to come to grips with you, with ourselves
with the realities of life,
so that our faith may survive and grow.
Help us to hold on until dawn,
that victory may be ours
and that you may bless us
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Liturgy of the Word First Reading Introduction: You shall be spoken of as Israel, because you have contended with God and have prevailed.
The mysterious wrestling of Jacob with God is typical of the wrestling of the Christians of today with themselves and with God—with God seen in the light and the obscurity of faith. Faith is indeed, often a wrestling in the night with realities that surpass us, with a God so great and yet so lovable that he appears unbelievable, so different from us, at times like absent, and yet so near. In these struggles, it is often not clear with whom we are wrestling. But we must hold on; we may not allow ourselves to be beaten, until something beautiful is born, a blessing. Also Christ had to wrestle until the dawn of the resurrection and of life. Gospel Reading Introduction: The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.
Jesus was spreading his message of good news in word and deed. Today, he asks us that there may be among us many who hear his invitation to continue his work and to bring his liberating compassion to the people of our day. At least, all of us should pray for such messengers, for the need is urgent. General Intercessions– That when we struggle to understand our faith better and to get rid of our doubts, we may hold on to God and ask for his blessing, we pray:
– That when our sick struggle in the night with their pains and loneliness, they may keep trusting in God, we pray:
– That when we are struggling with temptations, the Lord of life may help us overcome our greed, sensuality, and hunger for power, we pray: Prayer over the GiftsLord God,
when we search for you in the dark,
show us yourself in your Son
as you do now in this Eucharist.
In him, reveal to us
your name and your presence.
And when we question you
why our struggles dislocate and wound us,
remind us of Jesus, your Son,
who was mortally wounded for us
to bring us blessing and life
and who is now our Lord for ever. Prayer after CommunionLord our God,
with eyes of faith, we have seen your Son
and we know that he walks by our side.
Bless us Lord with his presence
in all that we do this day.
Bless us when he seems absent,
that we may go on believing and hoping.
Bless us that we may win
the liberating battles with ourselves.
Bless us that at the end of the road,
we may see you as you are and live in your joy,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. BlessingIt is good to encounter the Lord not only in our joys but especially in our struggles. He is there and we may count on him. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.