Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera, cmf
It is very impressive traveling by underground in our biggest cities. Early, in the morning, while the cities are still in dark, the people walk fast along the corridors, with their bags and their thoughts. The life of the world is being prepared in this crazy race.

The same happens in all of us. Even if we live in the darkness, inside of each one the Holy Spirit is living, doing his work or preparing Himself to do it. Maybe not all our senses, our feelings, our thoughts, are touched by God, but behind each one of them, in the deepest part of our heart, God is waiting to go out and to touch everything with his love.

The difficulty is the same that the Corinthians had: many times we don’t live as spiritual men and women. We look at the world superficially, we receive the gifts of God without gratitude, like the rich man receives a common dish, and we forget that, as baptised, we are able to think with the mind of Christ, to look with his eyes, and to love with his authority, which is founded and sustained by compassion. Don’t let us forget it. There is life inside. It’s God!


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